This is my first web page.
A simple page put together using HTML, and a power trip.
Yes, that really is exciting. Warning: level of excitement may cause head to explode.
Row 1, cell 1 | Row 1, cell 2 | Row 1, cell 3 |
Row 2, cell 1 | Row 2, cell 2 | Row 2, cell 3 |
Row 3, cell 1 | Row 3, cell 2 | Row 3, cell 3 |
Row 4, cell 1 | Row 4, cell 2 | Row 4, cell 3 |
Hey check out this cool checkbox
Note: I'm taking out the form because I don't like that it goes to a 405 and not my special 404 page that I made. Speaking of, here's a handy link to my wonderful beautiful special error page!