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Date: May 2nd, 2020.
Time of Writing: 11:26 PM.
Weather: I went on a walk today. It was pretty nice out, fairly warm, a good enough breeze. Clear skies.
Mental and Physical Health State: I'm pretty sure that whatever's going on is going to be done in a couple days. It's just a routine ache or something like that. Hasn't really been impeding me at all lately. Mentally I'm feeling pretty good about it. In general too.
Day Overview: Woke up around way too early in the morning because Ari set his alarm for some ungodly reason. I yelled at him to turn it off, and so did my parents, but we had to keep waking him up to do this because he set several alarms and they were all spaced out and we had to make sure that he was deleting them and not just snoozing them. I actually got out of bed sometime in the early afternoon. Classwork followed, and then I went on my walk. We ordered pizza for dinner, and I've just been chilling out since then.
On My Mind: Sometimes I wonder what my pain tolerance is compared to most other people. Like if I suddenly transferred my bodily state onto someone else, would they wince from pain, or would they not even acknowledge the difference? Am I dealing with a lot, or is everyone else coping with this but many times over? I have no way of knowing the bodily sensation of what it's like to be anyone else, and no matter how much I think about what it's like to be them, or no matter how much they tell me, I'll never have the full picture. A lot of that just has to be taken on faith, I guess.
Works Consumed:Works Produced: Finals season sucks!
Other Thoughts: Thank you for reading my blog. I have a pretty significant sweet tooth, and in this time of quarantine I am searching for new sweets to try. Comment your favorite snack in my guestbook or send me a message telling me what it is. Once my university refund money comes in I'm sure I'll have at least a little bit that I have no idea what to do with.