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Date: March 1st, 2020.
Time of Writing: 9:44 PM.
Weather: Cold.
Mood: I'm sick.
Day Overview: I'm sick. It's a pretty crummy head cold. I have a bit of a headache, nothing quite as bad as what I had on Friday, and my nose is runny. I've stayed in for basically the whole day. I called my Mom, which was nice, but otherwise I've been alone inside all day. Not the worst day I could have had all things considered but I wish I actually did something. Oh, my ballot still isn't here. I'm starting to get annoyed.
On My Mind: Not much other than that being sick sucks. I don't want to get anyone else sick, and when I lived at home that was as simple as just staying inside, but I have to leave my room and go to the dining hall in order to eat food, which puts me into contact with others, and yeah this is just a common cold but that doesn't make it suck any less the thought of getting other sick and being a burden to their lives without them even knowing it. Maybe that's a stupid thing to get hung up on, but if you don't think that I'm the kind of person to get hung up on stupid things, then I welcome you to my website, new reader.
Works Consumed:
- What Remains of Edith Finch developed by Giant Sparrow: This is pretty much an interactive movie. That isn't strictly a point against this game, though. The environments are lovingly detailed, and the story of the game is generally solid, even though some of the deaths are comically grim in a way that I just couldn't get my head around. The ending came somewhat abruptly as well, and while the reveal that the game was taking place posthumously was interesting, I wish that it was the jumping off point for more content instead of the ending of the game. The minigames that are here are really good, with the obvious stand out being the cannery scene. I liked it, I enjoyed my time with this, and I'd watch someone else play it, I guess. I dunno, it was pretty alright. 7/10.
- Solo Tape by Criminal Manne: Not a solo tape, there are lots of features on here, I feel lied to. In all seriousness this is a pretty neat curiosity, quirky mixtape kind of thing, I unearthed it from someone else's list on Rateyourmusic, along with the next release. Neat, though I'm probably never going to listen to it again. 6/10.
- Buy The Tape Bitch by N-9: Yeah basically everything I said about the other tape applies to this one. I didn't buy the tape, I just listened to it from a YouTube playlist. A lot hazier and more lo-fi than the other one. I like that but also feel like it's mostly because the rip of this cassette sucks. Not an intentional choice but I actually do not care about author intent at all. 6/10 as well, fuck it.
- Collection 1 by Friendzone: A collection of some cloud-rap adjacent instrumentals and beats. Incredibly pleasant listen, some of this stuff would fit in well on a study playlist potentially, might use it in a radio show. The vocals on here are really spacey and neat, often just the title of the track repeated and warped a bit. I didn't really connect personally to this album that much but I still thought it was pretty cool. 7/10.
- Mignonne by Takeo Ohnuki: Let's get this out of the way up front;
4:00 AM
absolutely fucking destroys every other track on here, and is far and away the best thing Taeko Ohnuki has probably ever done. Top five city pop tracks, without a doubt. This album is substantially more interesting than Sunshower the other album by her that I've heard, but it's still mostly just really catchy pop music with great instrumentation and not much in the way of emotion behind the music. It's commercial by nature, and I think that's fine if it sounds this nice to the ears. I wish I still lived in the city so that I'd have an excuse to listen to this while I walk around at night. Alas, college campuses are not very cool places, objectively. 7/10.
Works In Progress:
- Worth The Candle by Alexander Wales: Chapters 185-191 (haven't actually read these as of the time of posting but I'm going to right after.)
Works Produced: 1,500 words of creative writing, and none of my essay, whoops, guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow, fuck.
Other Thoughts: Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoy the new theme for March. Send me any comments that you have. Please. I require sustenance.