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Date: January 17th, 2020.

Time of Writing: 8:21 PM

Weather: Numbingly, annoyingly cold.

Mood: Pleasant.

Day Overview: Woke up pretty late today because I didn't set an alarm at the right time. Got ready for the day and then Edward picked me up so I could go over to Lucas' house - Lucas was also in the car. We got my friend Eoin from middle school to come with us too. We played the card game Castle, which Eoin showed us, it was a pretty neat game, I need to memorize more of these games in case I ever get stranded with a few people on a shipwreck or in a cave and all I have are a pack of cards with which to pass the time. Then we played the game Coup for a bit until we decided it was time to do more Virtual Reality games. We did Beat Saber for a while and then some rounds of Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes before Eoin and Edward went to their respective dinner arrangements apart. Lucas and I ordered a pizza, which we are still waiting for at his house. Edward eventually made it back (before the pizza did) and he showed me this card game called, well, he says he doesn't remember, but Eoin taught him that one too. I fucked around with a yo-yo for a bit, because a character in a story I might write uses a yo-yo as a weapon, like Ness from Earthbound, and I wanted to get a feel for the physics of it. But otherwise, that's what I've done so far today.

On My Mind: I'm going to miss my friends back home when I go back to university in a few days, but I'm not really going to miss the city. Just getting anywhere costs money, and the atmosphere can be pretty terrible a lot of the time, and prices for things are higher. My university has really great food and I bet I'll cry a little when I get the stir fry from the dining hall near my dorm for the first time in a month, I really don't care, I'll wait in the long line for it and I'll enjoy it and I'll cry, right in front of whatever friend I decide to torture with my presence. I haven't really prepared adequately for my first few days back, but I think I'll be okay. I need to figure out what textbooks I need to buy, hopefully zero because I'll either rent or get them from a friend for less money.


Produced: Actually a decent amount early in the morning. It wasn't canon to the main thing I'm writing in but it was still a lot of fun, and I need to get back to it later tonight. Oh, and I added a feature to the website! The secret was that it isn't actually on the website!! Ha HA!

Other Thoughts: I now have a guestbook! If you somehow didn't see it earlier, then you can navigate back to the homepage and click on it. Leave me a message! Thank you for reading.