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Date: April 3rd, 2020.
Time of Writing: 9:00 PM.
Weather: Windy and rainy earlier in the day, but I don't know about most of it.
Mental and Physical Health State: Cough is fine now basically, it's probably just post-infectious and harmless, given that I was coughing a lot before when I was actually sick. Mood wise, I'm fine.
Day Overview: Stayed up late last night playing Minecraft and listening to music. When I woke up I did some schoolwork and then basically just chilled for a while. My discussion section today for my History of World Religion class is the latest available, to give myself time to wake up in the morning. I was the only one of three students to show up, so it was just me and the TA for thirty minutes of so. Really awkward! But not absolutely the worst. The worst was that I just wasn't ready for that. I thought I'd be able to blend in more. Can't blend in when you're the only person around.
On My Mind: I need to clean some stuff. Just get better arranged. It's hard to do tha. There isn't space to put anything. I need to start with my room, if anywhere. I'm growing a goatee, just to see how it looks. I'll shave it off once quarantine ends, because no way am I going out in public with it. I'm out of cough drops. I feel like laying down for a while and taking a nap, but it's late enough that I'd just fall asleep and I haven't had dinner yet, and when I take naps generally I don't feel rested when I wake up. What should I do today? The night is young. I'm usually up for another seven hours past this point at least. How should I fill that time?
Works Consumed:
- Heaven To A Tortured Mind by Yves Tumor: Album of the year so far for me. Incredibly well produced, absolutely bonkers palette of sounds on here, the guitar tone on
is crazy, the first half of the album in general is nuts, the second half falls off just a bit and blends together and feels like it ends prematurely, but overall it's really fucking great avant-glam rock for our uncertain times. 9/10
- It Is What It Is by Thundercat: This one's pretty goofy. If you take it as self-parody on some level, it's really good, and even when it gets more serious it remains interesting. The basslines on most every song are fantastic as expected. The features are a little lacking but they go with the silly vibe. My main complaint is that the vocals are repetitive and whiny sounding in not so good of a way, and it's entirely possible that due to that quality, I've misconstrued some serious songs as parody in some sense. Which, uh, would not be a good look, but what can you do. 8/10.
- After Hours by The Weeknd: I won't lie, there were moments on here where I considered it'd be in 9/10 territory. What stops it from getting here are two things; the first few songs lack most of the synthwave R & B combo stuff that makes the latter half of the album so lively and hair-raising. The second thing is that the lyrics, while mostly in good enough taste, veer into the uncomfortable on a few occasions. Not in a prudish sort of way, just in a sort of overly domineering sense. I don't want to use any words that might suggest some sort of slanderous thing, is the trouble here. Also, Abel's voice isn't my favorite. When it works it really works, and when it doesn't it sounds corny. But overall a very fun listen. 8/10 as well.
- Klue by Gezan: I am so glad to be listening to good music again. This chaotic, noisy, psychedelic album starts off really fierce and disturbing sounding, with vocal noises and meaningless mantras echoing around the listener's ears and menacing guitar presence on most of these first few songs, but the longer the album goes on the more of a softer side it begins to show, a sort of melancholy tinge that doesn't spoil the anger of the first half of the album, but suggests more than just aimless chaos and rage. The longer songs on this thing, as a rule, are usually better. There's a 10/10 EP in here somewhere. As it stands, it feels a bit bloated even given its short run time, and it doesn't feel totally fully formed in some loose sense. 8/10 as well again.
Works In Progress:
- Minecraft by Mojang: Various progress on various servers.
- Tower of God by Slave In Utero:
(this is just what chapters are called, I'm referring to the Manhwa) 1 thru 6. I'm reading this alongside the anime to see how they differ.
Works Produced: Nothing but a little bit of schoolwork today.
Other Thoughts: Thank you for reading my blog. If you have album suggestions for me to listen to, please send them to me via whatever means best suits you. You can find some contact information on my About Me page. The guestbook also works.